Pesach Poetry

17. March 2017 Other 0
Hello dear readers, I’ve been feeling a wave of artistic inspiration recently, and I thought I’d channel that wave into some pesach-related poetry! (I tried channeling that wave into a watercolor painting of a sunset, but it just looks like a watery blur…) I also asked some family and friends for their own pesach poems, ...

Pesach Traditions: Our “go-to to-go” bag

Hello dear readers, I’m so excited for our upcoming pesach vacation (thanks Leisure Time Tours), I’ve already started my list of things to pack! We’re obviously looking forward to the sunshine and the warm Florida spring, especially here in New York when it’s still February. Brr! The ordinary packing list is pretty straightforward – socks, ...

Pesach Chopped

Hello dear readers, I was looking at some photos from last pesach, and I was reminded of a fun family event from last year. We had wanted to make a new family tradition by having this event every year, but since we’re going to a Passover hotel in Florida this year, we might do it ...

A Tuscany Travel Guide for Passover Travelers

Tuscany offers a beautiful landscape for travelers from all walks of life. Some like to take a step back in time and follow the footsteps of history, while others simply enjoy the picturesque countryside and bask in the beauty and culture of the area. For Jewish travelers, there are many attractions that you simply can’t miss ...

Scholar Spotlight: Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau

Leisure Time Tours is excited to announce that Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau will be the Scholar in Residence for this year’s Passover vacation at the California Park Hotel in Forte dei Marmi. Anyone who has ever wondered what it would be like to spend Passover with Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau now has the opportunity to ...