Tips for a Pesach Vacation
Hello dear readers,
So you’ve decided to book a kosher pesach vacation. Congratulations! Much like the ancient Israelites, you’ve made the wise and courageous decision to leave home and take your family to leave the mundane world behind! (At least for a week or two). Whether it’s to Florida, Arizona, Italy or somewhere else (thanks Leisure Time Tours!), you’re ready to celebrate pesach in a fun, relaxed and exciting way! Your suitcases are packed, your meals are prepared, your accommodations are waiting for you, down to the kosher-for-pesach chocolates on the pillow. You’re all set, right?
I mean, yes, you’ve got it all set and technically you can go and have a good time. But I’ve got a few tips for you to make sure you have a GREAT time. Here are three helpful tips to take your pesach vacation to the next level:
- LIGHTS, CAMERA, VACATION! Whenever I would go on a vacation (pesach or otherwise), I always used to make sure to pack a camera and lots of film. But now, when everyone has a camera on their phone, the camera doesn’t seem so necessary, does it? But I disagree! With cameras on your phone, I often find that everyone assumes that someone else is taking the pictures, so no one takes any good photos. I think it’s great to have a camera with you on vacation, and take some real good photos, both action shots as well as posed group photos. Yay! (I also love to print out the photos and organize them into nice albums, but that’s just little ol’ superorganized me). If you don’t go the camera way, consider getting a selfie stick. My kids make fun of me, but I think they’re a great way to take group shots, and make sure everyone is in the pictures!
- MIX IT UP! I know there are two very different approaches to vacationing: Some people are very go-go-go, getting up early and going to bed late so they can do all the activities and see all the sights. On the other hand, some people just want to sleep in late, sit by the pool and just relax. In my family, we have a mix of both, so some days of our vacation are chock-full of activity, and some are more laid back. But anyway, my advice would have been to MIX IT UP! If you’re a pool person, take a day or two to get out there and see whatever city you’re vacationing in! If you’re always on the move, take a day (if that’s too much, try half a day) to just relaaaaaax, sit with a drink or a book and just power down for a spell.
- ALMONDS? ALMONDS! We don’t really eat almonds throughout the year, but on pesach for some reason we always do! It’s a good snack to have with you, especially if you’re out exploring your vacation city! (If you’re having a relaxing day, though, you can just get something from the hotel!)
More soon,
If you’ve made the decision to go on a kosher pesach vacation, contact Leisure Time Tours today at 718-528-0700.