Preparing Your House When Going on a Passover Vacation
Hello dear readers,
Pesach is fast approaching, so hopefully, by now, you know where you’re going to be spending the springtime holiday. Maybe you’re staying home, in the comfort of your own beds and with your own kitchen and routine. That does sound fun; I’m quite the homebody myself. However, you might also be taking advantage of the spring air and warming weather to travel! Maybe you’re going abroad, or maybe you’re flying across the country, or even going one town over. Maybe you’re going to family or friends, or maybe you’re going to a kosher Passover hotel for a relaxing time. Either way, if you’re traveling for a destination Passover, there are a few things you should do to prepare your home for your absence. Here are a few things to keep in mind:
- KASHER YOUR KITCHEN, JUST IN CASE. You never know if something unexpected might come along and throw a huge wrench into your Pesach plans. Anyway, some spring cleaning never hurt anyone, so even if you’re not doing a full-scale cleaning effort, it could be good to put things away and clean halfway. This could also be useful if you have a house-sitter or even someone who comes around once or twice while you’re away.
- TAKE CARE OF YOUR PETS. In the story of the exodus, we read that no dog barked during the slaying of the firstborn. However, if you don’t make sure your pets are taken care of during your time away for Pesach, you can bet that the dogs will bark, and the cats will meow, and the animals will let you (and your neighbors) know! For dogs, you should make sure to make a reservation at your usual kennel, or find someone to dog-sit (either by dropping your dog with the dog-sitter or arranging to have the dog-sitter come by twice a day). I’ve never been a cat person, but I’ve heard that cats can be a little more independent; still, consult your local cat expert, because you shouldn’t just assume they can survive by themselves for a week without you. Also, don’t forget about smaller animals like goldfish, lizards, or hamsters. It’ll be much easier to plan for it now, rather than the night before!
- THE FRONT OF THE HOUSE. If you’re away, it might be useful to make it seem that you’re still home, so as to deter potential robbers. If you have a light over the front door or porch, it’s important to have that on at night and off during the day; a friend can help with that, or perhaps even putting the light on a timer. Another thing that robbers might look for is an accumulation of mail in the mailbox or newspapers on the front steps. You can cancel your newspaper for the time you’ll be away, but again, a friend to collect your mail can be essential.
If you’re ready to book your Pesach vacation, be sure to contact Leisure Time Tours to plan your Pesach vacation.