Belongings being packed for Sukkot vacation

What to Pack: Celebrating Sukkot in Italy

24. August 2017 Italy, Sukkot 0

Ciao cari lettori,

(That’s Italian for, Hello dear readers.)

Sukkot is fast approaching, but it still feels so far away. Of course, we still have all of Elul, and Rosh Hashanah, and Yom Kippur, and lots and lots to do before we get to lulav time, but still, October 4th is right around the corner! My family is starting to get super excited about our kosher sukkot vacation in Italy, and now that it’s only a few weeks away, I’m starting to think about what we might need to pack.

I know that not all of you, dear readers, are going away for sukkot (but if you are interested in seeing Tuscany in the fall, check out Leisure Time Tours!). However, as I start packing our bags for Italy, here’s a list of a few things you should have in mind (and in your hand luggage!):

  1. Passports! First of all, make sure your passports are valid for six months after your trip. Second of all, make sure to take your passports to the airport. (It’s a simple one, but still important; it’s never happened to us, but I have heard horror stories… :X). A third good tip is to buy a pouch that you can wear around your neck where you can keep passports and other valuables when you’re on the go. Speaking of valuables…
  2. Change money beforehand! My nephew Boaz was studying abroad in London a few years back, and when he got there he realized he didn’t have any British pounds. Not a big deal, but if you want to get a cab or snack or something when you arrive, you’ll have to change money at the airport, and let’s just say that the rates there aren’t the best. Pick up some money before you travel, trust me. And the currency in Italy is the euro, for those of you who are following me there 😉
  3. Lulav and etrog! On pesach I wrote about bringing some matzahs on vacation with you, just in case. Now, sukkot isn’t pesach, so I don’t have to be as super-concerned about food this time around. I don’t know yet what the kosher food situation will look like in Italy (outside the hotel, that is), so I’ll be bringing a few snacks and such, and you also might want think about doing the same. But where was I? Oh yeah, lulavs! On sukkot you need to have your lulav and etrog. Unfortunately, I don’t have a clear answer for that one right now. Aryeh is currently looking into how to acquire lulavs in Italy so we don’t have schlep them from here. Whether you bring your lulavs with you or order them to your destination, make sure that you’re ready to shake your lulav for seven days when the chag rolls around!
  4. Country-specific research! Look up the fun touristy things to do (I’m currently reading about Pisa!). Consult maps and travel websites. And if you’re going to a country that doesn’t speak English, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to pick up a guidebook with a few useful words and phrases. Here, let’s try out some of my new Italian:

Più presto (of course that’s Italian for, More soon!)


Need help planning your kosher Sukkot family vacation this year? Let us take care of all the hard work. Contact Leisure Time Tours today at 718-528-0700 to learn more.


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