Fun with Etrogs!

04. June 2018 Sukkot 0
Hello dear readers, In preparation for our upcoming Sukkot kosher vacation, I was looking through some old family photos from previous Sukkot experiences. I saw a really cute photo from the first Sukkot after we were married: It’s a picture of my husband juggling three etrogs (it was a few days after the holiday was ...

My Sukkot Menu Poll

Hello dear readers, One of the best parts of staying at a kosher Sukkot hotel for a vacation is not having to worry about the food. The meals are delicious and plentiful, there’s always snacks available for the kids, and there’s no mess to clean up. Sounds great, doesn’t it? One small thing I will ...

Enjoy Sukkot On the Go: Benefits of Traveling for Sukkot

Hello dear readers, Some holidays on the Jewish calendar can feel slow and internal. The yamim noraim (Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur), for example, can feel very claustrophobic and cramped. Hanukkah is a joyous occasion, but it’s in the dead of winter and a lot of times you’re trapped indoors while a snowstorm rages outside ...

Is Traveling During Sukkot Permitted?

Hello dear readers, My family’s upcoming kosher Sukkot vacation got me thinking about performing the mitzvah of sukkah when you are on the road. Specifically, what are you supposed to do if you want to do an overnight trip on chol hamoed, are you allowed to go somewhere if you won’t have a sukkah? It’s ...

How to Engage Kids in Sukkot

08. September 2017 Sukkot 0
Hello dear readers, I was thinking about similarities and differences between pesach and Shavuot, and one thing I thought of was pesach’s special emphasis on children. The youngest sing mah nishtanah, and we talk about the four sons, and there’s a focus on asking questions and giving answers and educating our children about this pivotal ...

Building a Sukkah – Prefab or From Scratch

01. September 2017 Sukkot 0
Hello dear readers, As you know, this year we won’t be at home for sukkot. We’ll be enjoying a kosher sukkot vacation in Italy! This means we won’t be building a sukkah at home, and I have to say, it’s been a good while since I didn’t have to build my own sukkah! So let ...

What to Pack: Celebrating Sukkot in Italy

24. August 2017 Sukkot 0
Ciao cari lettori, (That’s Italian for, Hello dear readers.) Sukkot is fast approaching, but it still feels so far away. Of course, we still have all of Elul, and Rosh Hashanah, and Yom Kippur, and lots and lots to do before we get to lulav time, but still, October 4th is right around the corner! ...