Etrog and Italy: Making a Connection

Hello dear readers, As many of my readers may know by now, I love to travel. When I travel, I always find myself making connections. Sometimes those connections are literal, like when I had only 45 minutes to make a connecting flight, and sometimes the connections are fairly obvious, like when I see Colorado Boulevard ...

Italy’s Rich Jewish Tradition

Ciao cari lettori, If you haven’t guessed, that’s the official Italian translation of my usual salutation, which is of course, Hello dear readers! (At least, it’s as official as I could find with online translations). I have Italian on the brain because my good friends the Fishbaum family is going to Italy for a marvelous ...

My Sukkot Menu Poll

Hello dear readers, One of the best parts of staying at a kosher Sukkot hotel for a vacation is not having to worry about the food. The meals are delicious and plentiful, there’s always snacks available for the kids, and there’s no mess to clean up. Sounds great, doesn’t it? One small thing I will ...

Tips for a Pesach Vacation

Hello dear readers, So you’ve decided to book a kosher pesach vacation. Congratulations! Much like the ancient Israelites, you’ve made the wise and courageous decision to leave home and take your family to leave the mundane world behind! (At least for a week or two). Whether it’s to Florida, Arizona, Italy or somewhere else (thanks ...

What to Pack: Celebrating Sukkot in Italy

24. August 2017 Italy, Sukkot 0
Ciao cari lettori, (That’s Italian for, Hello dear readers.) Sukkot is fast approaching, but it still feels so far away. Of course, we still have all of Elul, and Rosh Hashanah, and Yom Kippur, and lots and lots to do before we get to lulav time, but still, October 4th is right around the corner! ...