Whether you’re packing just for yourself or for your whole family, getting ready to travel for your Pesach vacation can be a stressful and overwhelming ordeal. Hopefully, this handy guide will make it a little bit easier! The following items are sorted by category. Feel free to print this out and check things off as ...
Visit The Arizona Jewish Historical Society There is a long and rich history of the Jewish community in Phoenix, and you can learn all about it at a visit to the Arizona Jewish Historical Society (AZJHS). The museum provides Jewish art and history exhibitions with over 50,000 photographs, documents, and artifacts. During your Pesach vacation, ...
The Pointe Hilton Tapatio Cliffs Resort, located in north Phoenix, is an ideal home base to explore the city and the suburbs of Scottsdale, Paradise Valley, and Glendale. While the resort features a spa, multiple pools, a waterpark, 18 hole PGA-rated golf course, tennis and pickleball courts, a fitness center, complimentary weekday round-trip transportation to ...
Hello dear readers, One of the most important parts of Pesach is spending time with family. At the seder nights, education is actually one of the foundations of the entire evening. The seder is about transmitting the story of the exodus across generations, from parent to child, and indeed the Four Sons in the Hagaddah ...
Hello dear readers, The Pesach seders are a time of education and repetition. A lot of the songs have a repetitive element to them, and we see a lot of the same themes get repeated within a seder, from the first seder to the next, and even from one year’s seder to the next. More ...
Hello dear readers, Pesach is fast approaching, so hopefully, by now, you know where you’re going to be spending the springtime holiday. Maybe you’re staying home, in the comfort of your own beds and with your own kitchen and routine. That does sound fun; I’m quite the homebody myself. However, you might also be taking ...
I love Pesach, and I love Seder nights. (Some people call me crazy, but I think I’m one of the few people who prefer doing Pesach in the United States so I get to do two seders, instead of just one in Israel!) However! It can be very, very stressful to plan, host, organize, serve, ...
As many of you know, I travel a lot for work. It can be difficult, getting to and from airports, checking into and out of hotels, living out of a suitcase, rough hours, not always eating healthy. But you know what’s much easier? Traveling for pleasure. Ahhhhhhhh! A lot of the actions are similar – ...
There are a lot of rules to keep in mind about Pesach. Rules about how to clean your house, rules about disposing your chametz (or selling your chametz), rules about what food you can eat, and how you can cook it – there’s a lot to remember. I might say that there are so many ...