What are the Four Kinds for Sukkot?

17. August 2022 Sukkot 0
What are the Four Kinds for Sukkot?
Everyone knows the phrase “Lulav and Etrog”, but do we actually know what constitutes the Lulav? What species are chosen to create our sanctified tool in helping us reach G-d?  Every day starting from the 15th of Tishrei to the 21st of Tishrei, we shake the Lulav and Etrog (except for  Shabbat). The holy plant ...

What are the Ceilings of Consciousness?

10. August 2022 Sukkot 0
What are the Ceilings of Consciousness?
The famous sage, the Ari (Rabbi Yitzchak Luria, the famous kabbalist), acknowledges that there are stages of consciousness when it comes to Judaism. The sages are in the higher stages, which are above the majority of people. But what does this truly mean?  The Role of Holidays During holidays our souls are elevated, and the ...

How Sukkot is a Holiday for G-d

03. August 2022 Sukkot 0
How Sukkot is a Holiday for G-d
In comparison to other major holidays like Pesach and Shavuot, which celebrate the occurrence of a historical event, Sukkot is celebrating something that will happen. There was no exact date for the Jewish people to move into huts in the desert. As we spoke about earlier, the sukkah can represent the holy clouds protecting the ...