Selling Chametz – Who, Why, When?

Hello dear readers, With pesach just around the corner, I thought it would be a good time to go over an important part of the pre-pesach cleaning process: the selling of the chametz. It may not be as labor-intensive as scouring the oven or scrubbing the floors, but it’s still essential to cleaning your house ...

Tips for Making your Seder Stress-Free

Hello dear readers, As you all know, pesach is coming up. I always find that right after Purim ends, the stress starts to creep on you. On the logistical scale, it’s travel plans and coordinating with family and figuring out who we’re inviting for seders (or who’s inviting us). Inside the house, it’s the cleaning, ...

What to Pack for your Pesach Vacation

Hello dear readers, Some of you may be staying home for pesach this year. And you know what? Staycations can be fun, too! Sleeping in your own bed, going to your own shul, not having to worry about changing your electrical plugs (if you’re going overseas that is). But if you are going away for ...